Saturday, August 30, 2008

When it Rains...

(WARNING: Sorry...this post is king of a downer...hopefully next one will be better!!)
Well whoever said that sometimes when it rains, it pours, sure got it right. I took Braxton to the doc on Tuesday since I was worried that he had had a fever off and on for two weeks, and they wanted to do some tests on him just to be sure he was ok. Teething, probably, but better to be safe than sorry, right? So I had thought this was going to be just a quick in and out thing, take his temp, check his ears, say yep its teething and I'm on my way home, but we were not so lucky that day. We ended up having to get a urin sample...definitely the worst thing I have seen since this guy was born. I was thinking "how in the world am I going to catch him while he is peeing and get him to aim into a container?" when they told me they needed a sample, but they soon answered my question when the doc pulled out a tiny little hose and asked me to take off the baby's diaper. I immediately started hyperventiliating and my eyes became all watery. Really? Is that really necessary? It was. One nurse held his legs still while the doc swabbed him down and prepared to insert the hated tube. I almost asked to leave, but knew it would be harder to hear him screaming and not know what was going on. It supposedly wasn't supposed to be all that painful, only "a little uncomfortable," as they always say. Yeah right. After the initial insertion, I couldn't watch. I just rubbed his head and cried right along with him. Thankfully she was quick and it was over in less than a minute, but it felt like forever. That was the first time I can remember Braxton actually reached out to me for me to hold him. And that of course started the tears all over again. Sheesh.
As if that wasn't enough for one day, the doc then directed me across the street to get another test done...a freakin' blood sample. "They are just going to prick his heal, right? Like they did when he was a baby?" Oh, no. They were going all out that day. And whats worse, I had to be the one that actually held his arm down while they drew their sample. He knew what was coming as soon as they put that rubber thing around his arm to make it all ripe and juicy for the prickin'. Ugh. We both actually cried more this time than during the first procedure...probably because I was an accomplice to his pain this time. It was horrible.
Lastly we had to go get a chest x-ray done, but thank goodness there was no pain involved. We were both exhausted and SO ready to be done with it all, so I was grateful when it was over quickly and the worst I had to do was hold his hands above his head while they took a picture. Finally we were on our way home.
A few hours later I received a call from the doctor again...their was an abnomality with his blood and they wanted me to come back in the next day to talk about it. I immediately started freakin' out again, thinking he had cancer or something. Justin was even more worried about it than I was, asking me if he was gonna DIE. Thanks for making it less stressful, baby. Come to find out, he just had a high white blood cell count, so he was battling an infection somewhere in his body. Both chest and urine looked good, so most likely a sinus infection. Then comes the prescription for anti-biotics....and of course they couldn't just do their job and make him better without causing problems. They had to get in on the fun of making this poor child miserable. Excessive diahhrea, causing a huge diaper rash and a raw, welted bum. I can't even use wipes or soap when I change his diaper...I just put him under the faucet and let cool water run over the red and swollen thing until it looks clean enough and then smear it with desitin and wrap him up again, hearing him scream all the while. Last night I finally had enough and called to doc to tell her I wasn't giving him any more medicine. He hasn't had a fever since Monday morning and has been just fine, so until I saw signs that he needed medicine, he wasn't getting any more. Luckily for her sake she said that was fine and to check back with her next week, and even was so kind as to suggest a couple ways to help with the diaper rash. Already today there is improvement...I have changed his diaper twice without him crying, and the redness is diminishing slightly. Hallelujah!!! I am so done with all this...


Aimee said...

Golly! You guys have had a rough few weeks. I'm so sorry to hear about what Braxton had to go through. I don't know if I could be as strong as you were - that's such a hard things for moms to do. I'm so glad he's ok. I hope his poor bum clears up quick and he's back to all smiles and giggles.

Shari said...

Oh, poor both of you! :( I'm glad everything turned out okay though.

For his poor little bum, letting him play outside naked in the sun for a while will do wonders.

Kristin said... need a big fat hug! What a good mommy! Cheer up charlie!!! I wish I could sing that to would die! Well, I hope things are looking up! I'll keep you and your family in my prayers!