Monday, January 30, 2012

I'm a Soccer Mom!

Braxton started in his first soccer league, and he is doing SO GOOD! I have to say though, he is his daddy's boy through and through. Its been really interesting to see how he plays with the other kids and what his attitude is on the field. He is competitive and aggressive with going after the ball and making goals, so much so that he gets upset if he doesn't "win" when he misses the goal or if another kid gets the ball from him (which doesn't happen often.) This is a great experience for him to be able to learn some good sportsmanship, and to learn than its ok if he doesn't win. What matters is that you have FUN! (His daddy may think a little differently...we are working on a good balance. :) ) I love watching him play though. He has a blast. This is the start of a something great! 



Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Angles Among Us

I had an experience the other day that a witness to me that the Lord does hear and answer my prayers.

We were in a friend's backyard playing and I was swinging Conrad. The swing was like one you would see at a park - a bar across the front but no straps. It was attached to the ceiling on the back porch. I didn't think anything of it since I was standing right there swinging him and he isn't big enough to climb out on his own. Braxton asked if he could push him, and I said "sure" but warned him to swing him softly, then turned for a few seconds to admire a fruit tree behind me. Literally, it was like two seconds. When I turned back around, what I saw made my heart slam into the concrete floor beneath me. Braxton was standing behind the swing looking panicked, and my sweet baby boy was dangling completely upside down from the swing that had somehow been turned over. It took me no more than 2 seconds to leap to his side, but every millisecond it took me to get there I pictured him falling a thousand times to the hard concrete below. And yet, hanging completely upside down from a swing with no straps, his arms flailing and body wiggling in fear, he didn't budge until I could grab him and pull him into the safety of my arms.

I pray every night for angels to watch over my children and be by their side constantly to guard and protect them, and I witnessed firsthand the answer to my prayers that day. I don't have any doubt in my mind there was an angel holding my little baby in that swing until I could get him out. There is no other way he could have been held in there. My prayers were much longer that night. :) I thanked the Lord over and over that He listens to the pleas of a mother's heart and sends his angels to be my children's guardians. And I am so grateful for a loving Father who loves me enough to make my concerns His own and watches out for my family.

"Oh I believe there are angels among us.
Sent down to us from somewhere up above.
They come to you and me in our darkest hour.
To show us how to live, to teach us how to give.
To guide us with the light of love."
Angels Among Us, Alabama

Sunday, January 1, 2012


 December was a busy, crazy, wonderful month! So much happened, and I tried to document it all with pictures, so that means LOTS of pictures! Ready???? Here we go! 

This was our Christmas gift from Justin's mother, (it actually came a couple months ago) and WE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!! It is hand carved from the trees around her home in New York, and it is so beautiful and perfect for our family and kitchen. We couldn't have asked for anything better. ( Or more needed! Our old table was falling apart...)

This girl was born to dance. And she's so stinkin' cute at it, too. I can't wait to see where this will take her in life. Ever hear of "living through your kids?" Ya, that will be me. :) 

Theme: SUPER MARIO of course! 
We had planned to do it at a park, but when the weather turned cold and rainy, we moved it to our home, and I'm glad we did. It turned out really well and Braxton had a blast! 
The Birthday Boy!! 

My lovely sis Alisha
EVeryone's loving the TACO SOUP. That was Brax's choice, and a good one! 
The kids, going on a YOSHI EGG hunt! (Easter eggs with chocolate gold coins inside)

My other lovely sis SHALIAH with my boy Conrad

Bella swingin' at the Pinata

Wyatt Speakman

Braxton swinging hard. Hyrum was the one who broke it

Aunt Angie with his wonderful Super Mario birthday cake. I had no idea what I was going to do for a cake, so this amazing woman saved my life. Thanks Angie!!! 

Super Mario Smashbros...what else? 


Its not Christmas ti' you decorate some sugar cookies! 
Our friends Aubray, Ginger, Harrison and Ransom joined us for the fun

You gotta love this kid's "Cheese!" face...he's such a goof!

WAY better than sugar cookies, if ya ask me...

Landon, Swanson and Angie

Of course they probably ate twice as much candy than they actually put on the houses! 

Ah! I love this kid! 

Adding the finishing touches to Landon's masterpiece

Again, he's a goof

Grandma and Grandpa Speakman's was the best!

More sugar cookies...

Grandpa, layin' on the love!!! 

My Pretty Bella Rose

We took the kiddos up to Williams, Az to ride the POlar Express and see Santa this year!
One word to describe the trip?
I am so glad I live in Arizona! (Mesa, Az to be exact!) 

Braxton loved playing in the snow

It was alot of work with the kids being so young, but I'm glad we went. May wait another year or two to go again, but overall it was worth it! 

Boarding the train! 

Everyone is so excited! 

ITS SANTA!!!!!!!!

That look, right there, made the whole trip worth it.
Christmas is magical! 


Christmas Morning

Merry Christmas! 

Of course Conrad loved the bags and bows and ribbons more than anything else. ..

But then came Nona's (Grandma Bebe's) present...

He loves it!!! 

Bella opening her jewelry/make-up from Nona

Another Mario game from Santa. Wahoo! 

Bella's BEAUTIFUL dress from Aunt Patti!!
The clothes/PJ's are WONDERFUL! 

Braxton opening up his brand new WAGON from NONA! He LOVES it and takes his siblings on rides in it all day long. Thank you Nona! 

I tried so hard to surprise Justin with something fun this year...

He was definitely surprised!!! Merry Christmas Baby!
(And best part?? Got the table from a friend, for a VERY reasonable price...FREE!! WAHOO!!! ) 

The "after" mess

Eatin brunch with Aunt Angie, Swanson and Landon...
Eggs, sausage rolls, pumpkin pancakes, orange juice, strawberry jello dessert, ...YUM YUM!!! My mouth is watering just remembering how delicious it all was.


It was a wonderful year with lots of exciting changes in our family. 2012...Bring it on!!!