Thursday, February 25, 2010

Zoo Trip Feb '10

The weather here lately has been absolutely beautiful. Aubray and I decided to take the kids to the zoo and enjoy it while we can before it gets too hot, so last Friday we packed 'em all up and headed over there.
Posing for the camera on the bridge before going in. Braxton was being a stinker the whole day and wouldn't look at the camera any time I tried to take a picture...
Aubray and her kids

Playing on the statues in the Children's Trail
Aubray and her baby. He is such an amazing baby, and was so perfect the whole time. What a sweetie!
At the petting zoo! This was the first time Braxton actually wanted to pet the animals while in there. It was funny though cause of course there is a pretty strong smell from all the animals, and the whole time he kept trying to hold his breath and would wrinkle up his nose and say "stinks!" He has a strong sense of smell and has to smell EVERYTHING.

Cute little Ginger
At the park at the end of the Children's Trail. Again, wouldn't look at the camera.

Here is my beautiful baby girl...

Seriously, how could you not love that face??

Gettin' tired... just looks funny.

The wallabies were the coolest!!

We had so much fun and loved being outside all day enjoying the weather and nature. The babies were so good the whole time, the kids played well together, and it was a wonderful day!

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