Monday, February 1, 2010


Things that get me through the day/I look forward to/help keep me sane:

* My T.V. shows:
-The Bachelor (I know, I know. Don't ask me why I love this show so much, but I do. I am addicted!)
-American Idol
-Lost (Its gettin' crazy! )

* Nap Times


* Spending time with my mom, sister(s), or my family

*Monday night Family Nights with my whole family

* Nap Times

*My "Justin Time" after the kids go to sleep at night. My day isn't complete without it

*Play dates


* Making/finding new friends

* Mesa Fro Yo (can't live without it)

*Watching movies with my sister


* Anytime anyone comes over for any reason (sad, isn't it?)

* Date nights with my lover (don't happen nearly enough)


*Beautiful, windy days

*Picnics at the park


*Did I mention Naptime?



Kristin said...

Big, fat, hairy ditto on the Bachelor!!! What the Vienna!?!?

Lindsay said...

Naptime is great, isn't it? I always look forward to it, and I only have kid. Bedtime is just as great, too!