Monday, March 8, 2010


I Love watching my children become friends. So often Braxton doesn't want to take a nap or is impatient with me getting him dressed or changing his diaper cause he wants to "Pway wif Bewa!" Unfortunately his idea of "play" is not always the most gentle...I feel like a broken record at times. "Braxton, be soft to your sister." " Braxton, don't kick your sister." "Braxton, don't run over Bella with your scooter." "Braxton, if you hit her one more time..." "Braxton, don't throw your toys at Bella." "Braxton, leave her hair alone please..."

And yet, she still idolizes him. What would the world be like if we could all have the heart and love of a babe?

1 comment:

Amy said...

They are so cute together!