Friday, January 29, 2010

My Apple Tree

I have an apple tree, an its dying. I've tried everything I can to save it, but no matter what I do it still keeps on dying, It makes me so sad. Every time we drive by it when we are coming or going, Braxton sees it and says, "Apple tree? Dying?" And I say "ya, the apple tree is dying. That makes momma sad." Yesterday, after this exchange, he said, "Kiss it (the tree) better! Muah! All better. No sad, mamma." I thought that was cute. And oh, if only it were that easy.


Sarah and Neil Peterson said...

Seriously, how cute! If only it really worked that way.

Jessica Rodgers said...

That is so cute He must be growing up so much! come to girls night on the 18th so we can see you!