Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Bella is crawling now. She started last week and just gets faster and into more stuff every day. She is eating solids and drinking out of a sippie and is already pulling herself up onto anything she can! I can't believe how fast she is growing. Braxton didn't crawl til nine months. I love this stage she is in though. I think six months is probably my favorite age. They are so rolly polly, their personalities are starting to really come out, they are semi-independent and can entertain themselves for awhile, but still a baby and the best snugglers at this age. I am loving every minute of it.

Braxton finally figured out he can get out of his crib. I am amazed that he has lasted this long without trying to climb out since he climbs on anything he possibly can, but up til yesterday he hadn't tried it. (No complaints here!) I put him in his crib and told him I would be right back, I had to go lay Bella down, and when I turned around from Bella's crib he was standing in the doorway with a huge grin on his face. It freaked me out for a sec! So of course all during the night when he woke up he would climb out and then just stand in the hallway and cry cause he wasn't sure what he was supposed to do next. I am glad he has lasted this long, but guess its time to get out the toddler bed. Darn. There goes my time out spot, too. That was the only place in the whole house that he couldn't get out of himself. Hmmm.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

evelyn hasn't thought about climbing out of her crib yet, she is such a chicken. i'm trying to make her though and i think that is freaking her out more about it so she really doesn't want too.