Friday, April 9, 2010

Heaven on Earth

I am sitting on a blue squeaky swing,

A beautiful babbling baby wiggling in my arms.
I sway steadily back and forth,
Matching the rhythm of the surrounding trees
As they dance wildly with the wind.

I close my eyes and feel the cool air
As it rushes over my skin.
The sweet scent of Orange Blossoms is thick and heavy.
It washes over me and makes my mouth water
With its tantalizing aroma.
I inhale again, just to see if I can really taste it this time.

A sparrow whistles a happy tune,
And another joins in with twittling harmony.
A chorus of birds begin to serenade me
With their chirps and hums and peeps and whistles.
Nature's Masterpiece.

I hear my favorite word, "Mamma,"
And turn to see my brown-haired boy,
As he demonstrates his latest trick.
A fantastic smile, hair whipping in the wind,
Barefoot, dirt smudged from head to toe,
And blissfully happy.

I can't help but smile back in complete

The pearly pink sky is changing.
Firy red and orange set the horizon ablaze
As the setting sun desperately throws
Its last rays of light across the sky,
Reluctant to leave this magnificent day.

My drooling cherub squirms around
And climbs her way up my lap.
Twinkling emerald eyes stare back at me
With absolute, beautiful innocence.
A squeal of glee, chubby arms encircle my neck,
And a path of never-ending love is seared into my heart.

This is Heaven on Earth.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

What a sweet poem. You should frame this.