Friday, April 4, 2008

No Freakin' Way!!!

I didn't believe this when I first got an email from my brother with this little tid bit of info. But he said he thoroughly researched it, and upon researching it myself, it is in fact genuine truth. SNOOP DOG WAS RECENTLY CONVERTED TO THE LDS FAITH!!! Who would have thought? It just goes to show that we are indeed in the last days, and the truth is flying forth throughout the world, and WE NEED TO DO MISSIONARY WORK because you never know who just may stop to listen. Here is the link from CNN news about his conversion:


Stacy said...

April Fools! Sorry to spoil the fun, but I was curious and went a searching on the internet, and here's what I found:

"Folks are asking if there's any truth to the CNN report that rapper Snoop Dogg has converted to Mormonism. The answer is no. If you check the date of the story, you'll see it's April 1 -- April Fools' Day. If you look closely at the URL of the alleged CNN article, you'll see it isn't really a valid CNN site at all. And if you look really, really closely at the fine print at the bottom of the phony Web page, it says: "You just got fooled! Snoop's not Mormon... yet!"

Cori Carpenter said...

I hate april fools!!