Monday, February 18, 2008

Braxton's First Park Visit!

Justin had to work on Presiden't Day, so Braxton and I decided to hang out a little with our friends Eli and Cori and their little daughter Indianna at the park. It was Braxton's first visit! Too bad he is still a little young to play on the toys, but I think he liked being outside where all the action was. (He definitely wasn't too fond of the sun, though!)

He apparantly found something that tasted good too. Cori's shirt! Yummy!


Cori Carpenter said...

Hey...looks like we did get a way cute picture! I love his facial expressions! He can come and munch on my shirt anytime:)!!

Alicia said...

Braxton is getting so big! What a cutie! Way to be a good mom and take him to the park. :)

Heidi said...

Cute Sarah!! You're such an adorable little mom with an adorable little boy. ;)