Yesterday was a good day. A busy, productive, good day.
It started out with Brax's last day of basketball for the season. This is the first season he has played bball and has really done well and improved so much just in these few months! This last game he made 5 shots! WAhoo!! He has his daddy's genes and is one competetive little boy, but certainly has the makings of a great player! We are excited to see him play again next season and watch him blossom all the more!
After Bella's dance pictures, house cleaning, lunch, naps, and a little swim time, we then went to our annual ward MONSTER slip n slide!! I think I look forward to this almost as much the kiddos! :D We had a BLAST and spent all afternoon at the park, slippin and sliding to our hearts content!
Finally around 5ish, with bruised bums we rushed home to take showers so mommy and daddy could get ready for our date! Shay Shay (my sis Shaliah) come to watch the kids so Justin and I could spend some time together. We had a lovely evening, went to P.F. Changs then perused Scottsdale mall (ok mostly just one store - TESLA motors - they are a beauty! ) where we ran into some friends and spent some time chattin it up with them. Top the day off with a "movie night" with my other sister Alisha and some much needed FRO YO, and that my friends is a lovely day.
Next weekend - the BEACH and CALI, here we come!