Thursday, February 25, 2010

Zoo Trip Feb '10

The weather here lately has been absolutely beautiful. Aubray and I decided to take the kids to the zoo and enjoy it while we can before it gets too hot, so last Friday we packed 'em all up and headed over there.
Posing for the camera on the bridge before going in. Braxton was being a stinker the whole day and wouldn't look at the camera any time I tried to take a picture...
Aubray and her kids

Playing on the statues in the Children's Trail
Aubray and her baby. He is such an amazing baby, and was so perfect the whole time. What a sweetie!
At the petting zoo! This was the first time Braxton actually wanted to pet the animals while in there. It was funny though cause of course there is a pretty strong smell from all the animals, and the whole time he kept trying to hold his breath and would wrinkle up his nose and say "stinks!" He has a strong sense of smell and has to smell EVERYTHING.

Cute little Ginger
At the park at the end of the Children's Trail. Again, wouldn't look at the camera.

Here is my beautiful baby girl...

Seriously, how could you not love that face??

Gettin' tired... just looks funny.

The wallabies were the coolest!!

We had so much fun and loved being outside all day enjoying the weather and nature. The babies were so good the whole time, the kids played well together, and it was a wonderful day!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Valentine's Play Date

So last Friday my friend Aubray brought her kiddos over for a Valentine's play date! We decorated yummy sugar cookies and played outside in the beautiful 70 degree weather and talked and laughed and had a grand time. Its so nice having wonderful friends that add a sparkle to everyday life!

Me and Aubray, buds
Aubray's daughter, Ginger, enjoying her cookie
Braxton. He enjoyed one too many cookies, I think

The babies, Bella and Harrison. They played so well together and were fascinated be each other all day.

We had a wonderful time. Thanks guys!

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

I chopped my hair again.


Superbowl Pah-tay!

We were invited over to Nathan and Becca's for Superbowl Sunday. We couldn't pass up the chance to hang out with our awesome bro and sis and eat lots of yummy food!! They are tons of fun and I always leave their presence with a smile on my face! Thanks guys for having us over!! The game was...well, a football game...but to me the highlight was watching the kiddos play together. (And chattin' with Becca, doing the sisterly-bonding thing. :) Love that girl! ) Auden and Bella are so cute and just loved hanging onto the gate as they watched Braxton play with the puppy. We had a great time!!

I was hit with a nasty case of the stomach bug last week. I haven't had the flu for awhile, so I guess it was time, but man it is no fun. I am so grateful for family that is always willing to help out and be there when I need them. I don't know what people do who don't live close to their families, or close to someone they can rely on in a time of need. My mom came over and took care of my kids so I could rest, then later came back with my sisters to clean the house, give the kids baths, and make sure I had everything I needed. They are so wonderful, and I love them and will be forever grateful for the blessing of families.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Irrigation Days

Last week we had irrigation again for the first time in awhile. We normally have it in the middle of the night, so it was nice to be able to turn it on and off at a more convenient time. And of course, what fun is irrigation unless you can play in it?!? It was definitely a bit chilly, but this kid has some thick skin and didn't mind it a bit. These were taken on my phone, so sorry about the quality and the blue lighting.

I like this picture below here. It looks like we are in a forest!
My little man has to pick a tangerine every time we go outside, then he carries it around for hours until I can finally convince him to let me peel it for him so we can eat it.

B-rax is starting to try to pick Bella up on his own. She is not sure what to make of it, whether to laugh because her brother is playing with her, or cry because he is not all that gentle about it. So far no catastrophes to date. We are loving playing outside everyday and enjoying this beautiful weather. We are soaking up every minute while we can. Heat will come all too soon.

Monday, February 1, 2010


Things that get me through the day/I look forward to/help keep me sane:

* My T.V. shows:
-The Bachelor (I know, I know. Don't ask me why I love this show so much, but I do. I am addicted!)
-American Idol
-Lost (Its gettin' crazy! )

* Nap Times


* Spending time with my mom, sister(s), or my family

*Monday night Family Nights with my whole family

* Nap Times

*My "Justin Time" after the kids go to sleep at night. My day isn't complete without it

*Play dates


* Making/finding new friends

* Mesa Fro Yo (can't live without it)

*Watching movies with my sister


* Anytime anyone comes over for any reason (sad, isn't it?)

* Date nights with my lover (don't happen nearly enough)


*Beautiful, windy days

*Picnics at the park


*Did I mention Naptime?
