Saturday, March 21, 2009

6 Mo Comparison

So here is a picture of me at 6 mo with B-rax, and now at 6 mo. I thought I was alot bigger than I was with B-rax, but in these pictures I actually look about the same! I guess i just FEEl alot bigger. Especially with the summer heat kickin' don't know how I am going to survive!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Pregnancy Update, for those who are interested!

I kept waiting for a day when I could actually get ready and look halfway decent for a belly shot, but then I realized that day would never come! So, here I am in all my glory (notice the snot stain on the front of my shirt?) at 6 months and counting!
I have been feeling pretty good the last couple months. The second trimester is always the easiest - the nausea is pretty much over and you can actually eat again without puking it right back up. Food actually TASTES good again. Your not too big that you are uncomfortable yet, but your big enough that people can tell your pregnant and not just fat.
Just within the past couple of weeks I have felt myself getting winded and more tired easier, but other than that I still am feeling great. I love feeling this little baby girl move inside me...thats probably my favorite part of being pregnant.
And here are a few things that I have noticed with this pregnancy that are different than my last:
1) I wasn't quite as sick during the first trimester as I was with Braxton, and it only lasted about 16 weeks rather than 25.
2)Cold cereal has been my LIFESAVER, literally, especially while sick. It is quick and easy and ALWAYS sounds good. Even while sick, it was the only thing that stayed down, most of the time... With Braxton, it was pizza and ice cream. (Hence the weight gain..)
3)With baby #1, my chest was so sore I had to sleep with a pillow and it hurt to even wear a bra all day. With baby girl, they feel great!
4)I started feeling her move alot sooner. Wahoo!
5) Nothing makes me happier than chocolate!!
6)I get light-headed easier and out of breath alot, even if its just walking from one room to another.
7)I haven't had nearly as many weird (and vivid) dreams, nor hardly any that involve the baby to come.
8)Braxton-Hicks contractions started a couple weeks ago already. Didn't start those until the last couple months with baby #1.
9)I am WAY more emotional than with Braxton. I probably cry at least once a day, and most of the time its over the stupidest things. But I can't help it! The tears just start flowin'.
10) I still have to eat small snacks in between meals, but I don't get that gut wrenching hunger pangs when I am hungry that i did with B-rax, and I am not as hungry as much.
I can't believe its already been 6 months. Only three more to go! She will be here so soon. I am nervous to have two babies wanting all my attention, but excited to add another fun personality to our home.
Can't think of anything else right now.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


I know its been awhile since I've really posted, so there is alot to catch up on! Alot of pictures below, pretty much all of Braxton of course since he is the center of my life! Some have asked for a belly pic/pregnancy update. That is my next post...I promise!

I the meantime, here is my little man. Last weekend we went to a golf tournament town in Marena (sp?) Az. It was a fun little family outing. Braxton did pretty good, for the most part. We only had one little episode when he was running and fell and of course starting crying right when one of the pros was hitting the ball...but after that he was a good boy and enjoyed being outdoors all morning. It was WARM here though...high 80' after we got home we decided to cool off a bit by playing in the water. His first time since last summer! Whats funny is that last year on exactly the same date, Feb 28th, was his first swim ever when he was only 4 mo old!

Loving the water!

Marley wanted in on the action!

This was by far his favorite thing to do with the hose. He thought it was so cool that he could actually drink out of it.

Marley and Braxton sharing a drink together...

Here he is enjoying an evening snack. Gotta love cookies! (And he does, let me tell ya! This kid has a sweet tooth...I wonder where he gets it from?)

He knows he gots the goods...

Last week a lot of the women in our ward got together and put together a zoo trip. It was Braxton's first time, so it was fun watching him enjoy seeing all these animals for the first time. Justin joined us for the last hour or so while he was on his lunch break, since he just works down the road. It was a fun day!

This was probably the coolest part of the whole trip. The tiger was on the move! He was roaring and roaming around and he even jumped up into the tree and climbed to the top to getter a better view, probably of how to escape his confining prison! It was awesome!

Daddy and Braxton! They both look a little drunk. Probably from the heat! It was another warm one here. (Aren't they all?)

Rhinos are always fun to see. They are such strange but cool lookin things!

Braxton loves the monkeys! He couldn't take his eyes off them and got really excited every time he saw another one.

Driving the big tractor!

Enjoying the kiddie playground and a moment of freedom out of his stroller! Gotta love that big toothy smile!

While he were in the petting zoo, he barely even glanced at the goats. He tried to pull their tails once or twice (I think he thought they were dogs!) and then was more interested in climbing the fence than anything else. Thats my boy! :)
Here is some of the "group." And this was only about 1/4 of them all! We had a big crowd that day!

Enjoying the ride!
And then here is my man helping mom take out the trash. Thats right...I'm starting him young! He is such a good little helper...:)

And lastly, this is how he likes to relax...just chillin' on TOP of the dogs. Luckily, my dogs are big enough that they don't mind. I love all my boys!!