This astonished me. I of course am an advocate of Prop 102 and firmly believe in marriage between one man and one woman, but I had no idea that if 102 doesn't pass...these could be the consequences. It makes me sick and scared for the world my children will have to grow up in if this fails. PLEASE PLEASE register to vote (click HERE if you haven't!) and then vote YES on 102. Lets make sure our future is one full of hope.
Click HERE to watch the video
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
YES ON 102!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The Explorer
There once was a great explorer who wandered far and wide in search of new and exciting adventures. Then one day, he happened upon something he had never really seen before...What could it be?!?!
A door to the outside world! YES! Now if he could only figure out how to give the Mother the slip. Hmmm...he would have to think more on that one. But have no fear, sooner or later, he will prevail!
(Or so he thinks. Not if Mother can help it! He sure is trying though!)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Our Hero
Yum Yum!
Last Sunday I was making yummy yummy pumpkin chocolate chip cookies (Thanks Heidi! I still use that recipe!) and Braxton got in on the action by licking his first beater. He did a great job lickin' in clean...
And thoroughly enjoyed it! :)
And this picture is just cause I was feeling left out since my face kept getting cut off in the previous pictures...:D
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
This video is kind of long cause I don't have time to edit it, but this is B-rax in his little walker. He is so funny as he races around the kitchen. Usually he chases the dogs but they weren't in here at the time. He has it down so good and knows how to maneuver it everywhere and makes me laugh every time I watch him.
This was hilarious. I was feeding him dinner and he started exaggerating his chewing and was making the funniest faces! Don't mind my fat arm right in the middle of the camera every now and then...
Thursday, September 11, 2008
There is another AWESOME blog that just opened, curteousy of my good friend CORI, with adorable, FREE backgrounds for your blog! Its called Scrap-e-Blog, and you can check it out HERE! There are tons of varieties and lots of options and they are really easy to use, and whats cool is that they are all fresh and unique and have never been used before! AND...they are backgrounds and not templates so you don't have to lose any widgets! Check it out!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
And the Sun Appears...
Well after one long and tiring month full of dreary days, the clouds are finally parting and the sun is shining its bright face on us once again! Braxton's fevers are gone, his bottom two teeth FINALLY popped through, his diaper rash is completely healed, and I think things are finally back to normal around here. Well, almost. We got into a bad habit while he was sick. . . I would pick him up anytime he woke up during a nap or in the middle of the night and hold him to try and get him to go back to sleep to comfort him, so he would be awake for hours in the middle of the night instead of going back to sleep. We are working on this though and are making good progress, so hopefully he will be sleeping through the night again soon and THEN we will be back to normal!