Thursday, January 31, 2008

All My Love to My Love

Today I am feeling especially grateful for my husband.

For all those who don't know Justin that well, let me fill you in a little bit. He was raised by a single mother who worked hard to give her children all they needed and wanted in life, and she did a wonderful job. But his father was never present in his life and so he never had a father figure to look up to and have as an example of what a husband/father should be like. Justin's family was baptised when he was a young boy, but then became less active through his teenage years.

After he graduated from high school, he listened to the spirit whispering to him that he needed to serve a mission, so he gave up his dream of becoming a star football player to become reactivated in the church and serve a full time mission in Boston, Mass.

He then returned to Mesa, Az to live with the only other active member of his family, his aunt, and attended the singles ward where he spied a tall, beautiful burnette princess (hey...its my story...I can embellish is where I want! ;)) and fell madly in love with her.
Well she was just a little bit stubborn so it took a lot of chasing and wooing on his part but eventually she came around and fell head over heels for this charmer and well...the rest is history in the making!
I tell this story to show that throughout his life, Justin has always risen above the challenges thrown in his path and he has come out conquerer in the end every time. Despite the fact that the only memories of his father are ones of abuse and neglect, he treats me with love and devotion every day. I don't think a single day goes by where he does not call me from work to tell me he misses me and he loves me.
He works hard, long hours 6 days out of the week so that we can have the necessities of life, with a little extra to spare to enjoy the pleasant, enjoyable things in life. He comes home after these long hours of work and still helps to clean the kitchen after dinner is finished. And despite the fact that he did not have a father, he has become a wonderful one. He suprises me every day with how playful and loving he is with little Braxton, even when the baby is screaming and crying and none too fun to hold at the moment
He alone in his immediate family has stayed true to the church, even though many times throughout his life he has had opportunities that would have made him large in the world of men. He has turned them down every time and instead has chosen to be a man of God.

He is persistant and he perserveres and he works hard to accomplish what he has set his mind to. He is a hero, a true hero, MY hero, in every sense of the word, and I am so grateful and priviledged to spend the rest of eternity with this man. Thank goodness for eternal families, and thank goodness for my man, Justin. All my love sweetheart.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Braxton looks like Who?

Ok, so since the day he was born, everyone (including me) says my boy looks JUST LIKE JUSTIN. Like a little mini version of his father. But then I pulled out these pictures of us as babies, and...hhmmmm...I just happen to think that currently Baby Caruso looks more like ME! Justin will never agree, so...what do YOU think? The first one is Braxton, the next one Justin and the one on the bottom is me. I think I win this one!!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Blessing Braxton

We blessed Braxton yesterday. We ended up doing it at our house in the evening so everyone could come that wanted to, then we had dinner afterwards. It was a sweet blessing, and mommy was so happy that Braxton was happy during the prayer! (He was getting really fussy right before we were supposed to start.) Here he is in his little blessing outfit. Its a little blurry, but I had to use it cause he was smiling!

My Little Man!!

Here is Braxton with his little cousin Heather (Daniel and Brookie's baby) who was born just a week before him. They are already buds!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

My baby is starting to SMILE!! Here is a little video where I got him to do it for me a little. It melts me heart when he smiles at me! I'm in love!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

A Foggy Day...

So a couple nights ago in the middle of the night I kept hearing trains blowing their horns right outside our house as they passed and it was making me mad cause they normally dont do that and I had a sleeping baby that I had just barely put down! Well the next morning I awoke and opened and shutters and I seriously had to blink a couple times...I thought my eyes were all cloudy! But no...this is what I saw! We were right in the middle of a cloud! How fun is that! That explained why the trains kept whistling so much. I hadn't seen fog like that in a LONG time so I just had to take a picture. I love it!

Monday, January 7, 2008

My sister was out in my backyard just enjoying the view, and me, being the crafty girl that I am, ;) (that was a joke) saw that with the sunset in the background, that would make some awesome pictures! So I grabbed my camera and took a few. The first is the best because you can just see her silouette (which was what I was going for). She could do alot better, being the photographer in the family, but I think they still look pretty cool!