Sunday, December 30, 2007


Its Braxton's first Christmas! I had this really cute little outfit that he was dressed in...a red and white candy cane sleeper and santa booties and a santa beenie...but then he threw up all over them right after he ate in the morning before I got to take his picture, so he had to wear his normal everyday clothes for Christmas. I was pretty bummed about that, but such is life, right? Daddy bought him these cute Pooh and Tigger stuffed animals for Christmas. They are almost as big as he is! He's gettin' bigger and cuter every day, too. What a stud!

I was going to include a picture of me and Justin in all our morning glory as well, but I fortunately decided against that. Braxton is much cuter than both of us! Hopefully a family picture will be coming soon though!
It was our first Christmas in our new home! We had a wonderful time and can't wait to celebrate many more Holiday Seasons in this great place. The highlight of our gifts (because everyone always asks) for me was a new vacuum! (I haven't had a real one since we moved can guess how bad my carpets were with a shedding dog in the house...hhmmm). I also got a video camera so I can start recording and documenting our life and my cute little son. YAY! Justin got a new heavy duty power drill and lots of books on CD (to listen to on the the commute) and the complete season of The Wonder Years! He loves that show! We got lots of other wonderful gifts from eachother and our families but those were definitely our favorites.
I sure hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and enjoy the coming of the New Year!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Third Tags a Charm!

Ok, so I have been tagged like three times now and I finally have the time (I hope...we'll see how long Baby sleeps!) to share my fun info with ya'll. So here we go.

6 Random Facts about Myself:

1) I LOVE baby food! Those who know me real well might know this, but they still think I am a weirdo for it too! Now not the gross veggies mind you, just the yummy fruits and those little chicken sticks for babies that come in that cute little baby jar. Mmmmm...this was a tradition in my family growing up. We would all get a jar of baby food for Christmas. I don't know whether my love for baby food came from this or if it was already there before we starting getting it, but whichever it was, love it I do!

2) One of my most favorite things in the whole world is taking a hot shower on a rainy, cold afternoon. It makes me feel so safe and warm and like the world is at peace for one blissful moment. :) And then of course to get into a nice pair of sweats and curl up on the couch with chocolate and a good book....then I'm in heaven!

3) When I get really nervous I lick and chew on my lips...ALOT. I always know just how nervous I was after the event by how red and swollen my lips are. Seriously.

4) If there is one thing in this world that I don't understand a purpose for, its cockroaches. There is nothing more disgusting and creepy and USELESS and just plain GROSS than a roach in any form: big, small, brown, black, long, short, flying, crawling, hissing...YUCK. I get the heebie geebies just thinking about them!

5) I hate the word "armpit." It sounds just as gross and nasty as the actual thing itself! "Armpit." Ugh. I much prefer "underarm." Same with the word "Fart." Who ever came up with that? (It had to have been a man!)

6) I have never outgrown the dream that someday my prince (who now bears the face of a cute, curly haired Italian) will carry me off into the sunset to live in a beautiful castle in Europe where there are rolling green hills and white sandy beaches and wild horses and maybe even a few leprechans or a fairy or two. Who knows? It could happen! :)

I think most of the people I blog with have been tagged already...but if you haven't been then consider yourself tagged! :)

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Christmas Came Early!

This is by far the BEST present I have EVER received for Christmas. I think I will keep it! :)
YUP. He's a keeper...

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Baby's First...

Little Braxton's first video game! Daddy has him hooked already...he loves listening to the interesting sounds and noises Mario makes.

Braxton's first smile! Well, at least the first one I caught on camera. Isn't my son adorable? :) I could sit and watch him sleep all day.

Mommy's first all nighter...NOT fun..

Braxton's first car ride! All nice and snug like a cute little bug in a rug.

Braxton's first changing of clothes. Daddy did a wonderful job, especially since his hands are as big as babies whole body. :) I love my boys!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Braxton Noble Caruso


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

40 Weeks!! I Made it!

'Twas the night before my due date
And all through the room,
Not a creature was stirring,
Not even the-baby-in-my womb... :)
Ok so its a little cheesy, but hey I couldn't resist. Its the Holidays! :) But alas, no baby yet. We are all anxiously awaiting his arrival and can't wait to share the happy news when it happens!

Here are my "9-months-and-ready-to-pop" pictures for all those who wanted to see a few. Its amazing how much a body can swell, whether from water or baby fat or...just fat...but I'm pretending its all water weight at the moment. :)

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving Miracles

My family was able to come out to our house the day after Thanksgiving for a "Thanksgiving Number 2" as we enjoyed dinner all over again and roasted mashmellows and made s'mores with our new fire pit. We had a great time! One of the greatest things about having a large family with so many children is that they often remind you of the beauty of the small and simple things in life. Like, a train. Do you remember getting so excited when you had to stop in the car at the tracks to watch a train go by and you would count the cars and the more there were the better it was!? Now as adults we get so frustrated when we have to stop and wait for them to pass, but there was a time when they filled us with happiness. Its neat to be able to be reminded by little children about how much joy we miss out on as adults.

My Pa and my Hubby heatin' up the turkey over the fire. Smoked turkey....Yuuummmm!

Here is history in the making. My father is not by nature a sports fanatic, unlike my husband. That has carried down to most of my brothers. Now, don't get me wrong, they all enjoy watching sports now and then and definitely enjoy playing them for fun, but compared to my husband who is a die hard sports fan, they are all pretty mellow about sports. I believe that this is the first time in the history of my Speakman family where I have seen any of my brothers AND my dad sitting down together to watch a football game and actually getting into it by cheering and booing and all that good stuff. Perhaps having Justin there as the instigator has something to do with it, but still, I had to take a picture to prove that it actually happened. Thanksgiving is always full of miracles...even small ones. :)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Happy Turkey Day!

So as this festiv time of year rolls around, my thoughts of course turn to all the wonderful blessings in my life and what I am thankful for this wonderful holiday season. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the holidays and the feelings of peace and excitement and love that just seem to permeate the air wherever you go. Not to mention it finally starts to cool off and you can finally walk outside barefoot without cooking your toesies raw! So, as I am sitting here and enjoying the cool breeze wafting in through my living room window, I am counting my blessings and looking forward to the never ending turkey and potatoes and pie that will stuff my already swollen belly even more. Here is my top 10 list of things that I am feeling especially thankful for today. (In no particular order, other than the first 3.)
1. MY HOT HUSBAND - I definitely would not be sitting here kicking my feet up in this beautiful house if it were not for the hard work that he puts in every day to make money for our family. He is so dedicated to making sure that we are taken care of and I am truly thankful for that desire that he has to see us succeed in life. Not to mention he is my best friend and I can never spend enough time with him. I just love em!
2. THE GOSPEL, of course. What would the holidays be without knowing why we are truly celebrating them? "Silent Night" has such a personal, spiritual meaning I think when you truly know who you are singing about and what that eternal night really meant for all mankind.
3. MY DOG! Yeah yeah, I know. For all you individuals out there who don't do dogs or who have never really had a dog for a best friend, that might sound like a small thing to be thankful for. But let me tell you, without my little friend here to keep me company all day and late nights when Justin gets home pretty late, I would be one lonely little mamma. He is like a little son to me and I just love him to death. I can completely understand how having a dog can give an elderly person something to live for, or how they can extend the lives of individuals who own them. They are truly mans best friend.
4. PAIN MEDICATION! As my due date draws near, I think the only thing that keeps me sane is knowing that I will only have to endure a somewhat-minimal amount of pain before I can stick that blessed needle in my back and be pain-free (or almost pain-free) for the rest of the delivery. How did women ever do it squatting over a bed pan on a dusty floor in the early days? I will never know, thank goodness.
5. MY FAMILY. I have one of the most amazing families in the world. There has never been a more supportive, loving family as mine and I couldn't thank the Lord enough for their influence. Whenever my world starts to turn the wrong way, I know help is simply a phone call away and it will all be better. They are my foundation in this crazy world and I love them ALL so much.
6. MY BABY. I have yet to meet this fella but already I love him so much and can't wait to hold him in my arms. I can already start to piece together a little of his personality from how he acts in my stomach and I think we are going to have a wonderful life together. :) I couldn't be more excited to be a mother.
7. RAIN. A simple thing to love, but love it I do. I love the sound, I love the smell, I love the feel of it, I love the way it makes everything look so green and lush, I love the cloudy skies, I love the coolness it brings...I just love it! The only thing I DON"T love is how little it chooses to make an appearance here. Hm.
8. CHOCOLATE. A pregnant woman's best friend. Need I say more? :)
9. MUSIC. Music is one of those simple but powerful tools that speaks to the soul, and the effect that it can have on one's life is amazing. It sets a mood, changes a mood, soothes the spirit, INVITES the spirit, calms a heart, and so much more. I love music and what it brings into my life.
10. CARS. Isn't it wonderful that I can travel a good 50-60 miles to see my family in a mere 45 minutes or less? Thank goodness for modern marvels.
And of course, I am thankful for all YOU, my friends and family and the rich relationships you bring into my life. Thank you for everything and I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend!

Friday, November 16, 2007

So here is the cool little blanket I made in addition to the pillow below. Definitely nothing special, but hopefully this little guy in my belly will think its nifty and enjoy having it around. Two weeks to go!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I'm so Crafty!

Look what I made! I am so proud of myself! :) Seeing as how I am NOT a seamstress AT ALL, this fun little project for my baby made me feel mighty proud and all crafty and such. I made this pillow for our baby and a little football blanket that I am too lazy to go upstairs and get at the moment for a picture, so that will have to wait for later. Not too bad for a self-taught beginner, eh? :D

Friday, November 9, 2007

Temporary Problem

Not sure what happended to my blog...the template suddenly just disappeared so I have to use this cheap one until I have time to fix it. Sorry its so will be pretty again soon! :)

Thursday, November 1, 2007

I Love to Read!

Ok so now that I am sitting around waiting for this BABY to come, I have some time on my hands and I get to spend some much needed ME time doing what I love: READING! But when I finish a book and I either LOVED it or I DIDN'T, it always seems incomplete unless I can talk to SOMEONE about it and go over what I THOUGHT and how I FELT about it. Well, as much as I LOVE discussing my thoughts and ideas with my DOG, I don't quite think he GETS as much out of it as I do . . . SO, I decided that once I FINISH a book I am going to WRITE ALL ABOUT IT on my blog! That way it gives me a way to EXPRESS my feelings about it, and hopefully if there are other READERS out there who are LOOKING for some GOOD BOOKS they can maybe get some recommendations. So, here we go. Here are the most RECENT books I have read.

I really enjoyed this book. It takes place in the 1800's here in the Arizona territory, and is actually based on the real life happenings of a woman named Sarah Prine. It is written in diary format, but Sarah is so REAL and full of life and personality that it was like I was reading a full on adventure story the entire time. It encompasses her life as a young teenager, a growing woman, a bride and then a mother and all the trials and sorrows and joys that she went through on a daily basis while trying to survive in this wild and untamed, uncivilized territory. I also found out, much to my pleasure :), that there is a sweet love story it is as well. A wonderful Historical Fiction that I would recommend to anyone wanting to read a real life story about a woman who overcomes real life trials and still comes out on top. The ending left you wanting, wanting MORE that is, but I have heard there is a 2nd part to this and I plan to investigate that soon.

This book is a re-telling of Beauty and the Beast, and although it is pretty similar to the standard fairy-tale (father steals a rose from Beasts garden and Beauty gives herself to pay the debt) I still enjoyed it enough to have a hard time putting it down. I personally would have liked to see more interaction and stimulating conversation between the Beast and Beauty, but for a teen book I was happy with it. A light, easy read that made me feel good when I was finished. (Thats always a plus! :))

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Ping Pong Pride

So this is the newest addition to our family...a ping pong table! Justin has been talking about getting one since, like, before we were married, and last Saturday he finally couldn't stand it anymore and he gave into his inner child and bought a brand new ping pong table! He has been like a little child at Christmas and has thoroughly enjoyed kicking the trash out of anyone who has dared play him. So far thats been me and Eli, our good friend from down the street, but nevertheless he is quite good and can't wait to take on more competitors. Any volenteers? :)

Friday, October 12, 2007

8 Months and Counting...

Ok, so they aren't by any means professional maternity pictures, but its the best a girl can do! Here are my 8 month big belly pictures. Just 7 weeks left to go!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Hot Dog Anyone?

I thought this was pretty funny! I had just finished grilling hot dogs for dinner and I went to go sit down in the living room to watch some t.v. until Justin got home. I noticed it was pretty quiet and I didn't see my dog anywhere, so I turned around to find him and this is what I saw...

I got a pretty big kick out of this! So I continue watching more t.v. and ten minutes later I still hadn't seen him come over so I turn back around...

HA! I tried coaxing him over and promised him treats and love, but to no avail. He didn't budge! Needless to say, I put the poor dog out of his misery and gave him a piece of hot dog. Is that considered cannibalism?

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Home at Last!

Check out our new home! It is FINALLY all done and it is WONDERFUL!

Someone left us a nice "Welcome Home" present in our kitchen. We had all sorts of Goodies in the bag and they definitely came in handy! (Extension cords, paper towels, flashlights, toilet know, the necessities.)

Check out the view from our master bedroom window! I will NEVER get tired of looking at this...

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Work,Work, Work!

So you really don't know how much stuff you have until you have to PACK IT ALL UP and MOVE. Sheesh...this is hard work! This is how I feel all the time right about now...
This one sums it up nicely as well... will all be worth it when we finally get moved into

our beautiful new PALACE...
And I can once again look like THIS!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Go, Devils, Go!

Season tickets to ASU football games! Hot dogs, hot seats and hot weather. Doesn't get much better than this... :)

(Can you tell it had been a long day?)

Little By Little...

Here is a picture of our new home at about 4 weeks til completion. We went and checked it out yesterday and it actually has landscaping now and shutters on the windows, but this should give a pretty good idea of what it is going to look like. Only two weeks to go and its all ours!

I didn't take as many pictures as I wanted of the inside, but here are a few I took of the kitchen and the living area towards the back of the house. I am so excited for the great big kitchen...all mine! :)

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


My sisters and I decided it was about time we took some pictures together since we have never done so our whole lives. We had alot of fun taking them! Here are a few that I like. Don't I have the prettiest sisters ever?!? :) Thank you to Becki who is awesome for taking these great pictures! We love them all!